Friday 27 June 2008

Lara Spencer - Obrien Officially Dropped As The Insider Actor

Pat O'Brien, the co-host of The Insider, whose frequent bouts with
alcoholism has made him the kind of celebrity that the show itself covers
nightly, has been demoted to a Los Angeles-based correspondent, with Lara
Spencer taking over officially as the show's sole anchor, CBS announced Friday.
O'Brien returned to rehab last February. Spencer, who has co-anchored The
Insider from New York, will move to California as part of a longterm pact,
executive producer Linda Bell Blue said in a statement. Blue included her
announcement of the anchor change in a statement announcing the conversion of
the show's production facilities to high definition. "We are once again making
history by being the first entertainment newsmagazines to move into HD. Lara is
essential to the exciting future of the show," Bell Blue said.


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